How Do You Tell If A Plumber Is Legit?

So, you’ve got a leak, clog, or need a whole plumbing system installed. Who do you call? A plumber, of course! That’s easier said than done, though. There are tons of plumbers out there, so how do you tell if a plumber is legit? Legit is a broad term, so we’ll show you what we mean. 

Are They Licensed? 

It’s one thing to ask a plumber if they have their license. But, how do you know that it’s true? While it would be great if everyone was honest, you still need to protect yourself. In North Carolina, the best way to find out if a plumber has their license is to look it up in the licensing database

Should I Hire An Unlicensed Plumber?

If you’re looking to get plumbing work done, you should make sure they’re licensed. Do you do have someone completing plumbing work for you that’s unlicensed? If you are doing the work yourself, make sure to follow the current plumbing codes

If you have unlicensed work completed and it follows state codes, be sure to have it inspected. 

Issues With Unlicensed Plumbing Work


What’s The Risk? 

Unlicensed plumbing can be a dangerous line to walk. For example, if the person doesn’t use purple primer, this could spell trouble down the road. Without purple primer, the piping connections aren’t glued correctly, so there could be leaks later. In addition, plumbing codes are strict and full of specific guidelines, so not following them can cost you time, money, and headaches. 

What Can Happen?

If the work isn’t up to code, you risk having it all ripped out and replaced by another plumber. Unfortunately, many unlicensed plumbers have little experience and don’t understand how to do everything.

Hiring an unlicensed plumber voids your insurance policy. You will be responsible for any damage this person causes. Ultimately, it’s up to you if it’s worth it to take that risk. 

Make Sure It’s All Permitted

Plumbing work should be permitted as well. If the work isn’t permitted, this could present issues upon sale. To check if permits have been pulled for work completed in your home, do a quick search for plumbing permit databases in your county. 


Get An Inspection On All Work Completed

So, you either completed the work yourself or paid someone a lot of money to get it done. The first priority on your list should be to make sure the work is safe, legal, and up to code. If it isn’t, and you decide to ever sell your home, this could come back to bite you. Home and plumbing inspectors won’t turn the other cheek when it comes to un-permitted or unlicensed work. Plumbing failures can cost tens of thousands of dollars and endanger friends and family. 

To get plumbing work inspected, there are a few ways to get this done. The best and easiest route is to have it inspected by a licensed plumber. However, suppose you’d rather have a state inspector complete an inspection of all the work. In that case, you can go to the NC State Board of Examiners of Plumbing website


Call Autry Plumbing Today

If you’re unsure about your current plumber or want an unbiased, honest opinion, call us today! At Autry Plumbing, we put our customers first and save you time and money. 
